2024 Summer Message

In your part of the city and around the country, seminarians are excited for summer formation experiences, well-earned vacations, time with family and friends…

…but seminarians in Malawi enter this summer still struggling to survive after a devastating cyclone last year, and my hope is YOU will help give them the support and HOPE they urgently need.

The Pontifical Mission Societies USA, through the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, is committed to helping seminaries such as St. Peter’s in Malawi, as well as centers of formation for future religious sisters, through grants and scholarships.

You see, Malawi is the 7th poorest nation in the world, and when Cyclone Freddy hit last year, the storm washed away homes, health centers, and schools.  It was the longest-lasting tropical cycle ever recorded, and it cut off vital lifelines for people suffering in deep poverty and still struggling to recover from the cyclones of 2022.

But amid the devastation in central Phalombe (the regional capital), one complex remained standing: the Likanani Catholic Parish and adjoining primary school. Here, missionary priests, religious women, and lay catechists have been distributing food and money. But for one survivor – seminarian Deacon Howard – these missionaries offer more than material goods – they affirm his call to a religious vocation.

  • #eucharisticchurch #TPMS #FultonSheen
  • #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #SolidarityInAction #EmpathyForAll #internationalcharityday
  • St. Augustine pray for us!
  • Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
  • #PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
  • Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
#eucharisticchurch #TPMS #FultonSheen
1 day ago
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#PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #SolidarityInAction #EmpathyForAll #internationalcharityday
#PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #SolidarityInAction #EmpathyForAll #internationalcharityday
#PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #SolidarityInAction #EmpathyForAll #internationalcharityday
2 days ago
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St. Augustine pray for us!
St. Augustine pray for us!
St. Augustine pray for us!
1 week ago
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Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples... #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
Pope Francis encourages us to be true missionary disciples… #PontificalMissionSocieties #TPMS #missionaries #PopeFrancis #IAmAMissionary #SpreadLove #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel #DifundeElEvangelio #BeAMissionary
2 weeks ago
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#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
#PontificalMissionSocieties #mission #TPMS #missionaries #CompassionInAction #BeTheChange #SpreadTheGospel
3 weeks ago
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Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
Wishing a Blessed Mother's Day to all the women to care for our most precious thing our children. For all those women who comfort, cry, and share the joy and pain of their children, we say thank you for all that you do.
4 months ago
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