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MCA Missionary Speakers
MCA Missionary Speakers
Inviting a missionary to come to your school is a great opportunity to have the children at your school or religious education program hear the testimony of a missionary. Missionaries who have been traveling for many years or perhaps at one time traveled abroad will share their life-changing experience with the children through pictures or artifacts that they have brought back.
The visits can be done as a school assembly for the whole school or in two assemblies for the upper grades and one for the lower grades. Each presentation is about 30 minutes and at the end of the students will have a chance to ask questions.
You can schedule a speaker today to celebrate Catholic School Week, Advent, Lent, or any time during Ordinary Time.
To schedule a missionary speaker, please fill out the online form or you may email and/or fax to or (213) 637-6223. All forms are in Adobe PDF format. (Download Adobe Reader)

To schedule a missionary speaker, please fill out the online form or you may email and/or fax the downloadable form to or (213) 637-6223.