Education Center for Children – Jalandhar, Punjab, India


Since 1987, the Rogationists have been present in Kerala, a southern state of India where there is a significant number of Catholics. In recent years, the Fathers felt it necessary to also open new missions in other states of India. Thus, our Fathers have entered as far north of India to the state of Punjab, where there is very little Catholic presence of only over 1%. We are most needed here. One of the more serious problems in Punjab is early school year enrolment retention. Despite government initiatives to reduce the school dropout rate, the figures continue to rise at an alarming rate. It is worrisome that at the primary school level, 20% of the children drop out. In middle school, the dropout rate is 37% and 40% at the secondary level. About 78% of the children who attended early education don’t reach upper classes.  Of the number of students enrolled in the primary class, only 22% ever reached the X11 class. In the entire state of Punjab, a staggering 169,000 children ages 6 to 11 and 128,000 children ages 11 to 14, do not attend school.

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Our goal is to build a minimalist school composed of 3 classrooms for 60 students, an office, and two bathrooms. This will stand on 2,995 square feet of land that had been bought by donations previously received. The cost of construction including labor, materials, and overhead is  US $70,000. We expect to break ground and start construction by January 2024. We hope to start classes for the Academic Year which begins in June 2024. Your support helps make this new project possible.

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Mission Cooperative Plan