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Consolata Missionaries #1028
Consolata Missionaries #1028
Introduction and background:
St. Bruno Water and Energy Project emerged as a meaningful response to water scarcity in the areas of Lwengo, Rakai, Kyotera, Masaka, Wakiso, and Iganga districts. Access to safe water remains a big challenge in most rural areas of Uganda. Many Community people fetch water from seasonal streams which are shared with animals. During the dry season, streams dry up and the only way we can access water is by digging holes within the stream until we reach the water underground. The exercise is so hectic in a way that after digging the hole, you have to wait for an hour or two for water to fill then you can fetch it and climb upstream with heavy jerry cans.
Due to the difficulties in accessing safe water, (treatment) most times the residents resort to drinking contaminated water which causes diarrhea, bilharzia, Cholera, Typhoid, diseases, and at times death.
Women and children used to spend massive amounts of time collecting water for drinking, cooking, and washing from these sources. They often had to walk miles with their empty jerry cans and buckets and return with them full and weighing heavily. This daily burden meant losing out on educational and work opportunities, which affected the economic well-being of generations of families.
We envision a Community where safe water is accessible at the Household level.
To promote the well-being of God’s people in rural areas where water is scarce by planting Safe Water Flow Systems accessible to all community people.
We mitigate this challenge and its effects in the most enduring, cost-efficient approach, and with the generous support from our partners in the US, we have been able to plant ten water systems bringing about a drastic change in lives.
These are some of the placards made by students at St. Sebastian Bethlehem SSS in appreciation of the Water System.

We really appreciate the offer to our Communities, there is a practical impact because water is life, without it people perish, how I imagine you came up to minimize this challenge, we pledge to support St. Bruno Water and Sanitation Project. – Mr. Kibandi Vincent Chairman Nabigasa Sub County
Below: With this help from Fr. Peter Ssekajugo, IMC, and his friends, the community can access safe water and the distance is very short.

Support the Consolata Missionaries #1028
You can support the Consolata Missionaries #1028 through your prayers and monetary donation by making a check payable to THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH, 3424 Wilshire Blvd 3rd Fl., Los Angeles CA 90010, memo #1028. You may also donate online by clicking the donate button. When making an online donation, reference #1028 in the Memo box. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Mission Cooperative Plan