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Diocese of Kabale #1091
Diocese of Kabale #1091
Mission Work and Needs
Kabale Diocese is one of the 19 dioceses in Uganda located in the southwestern corner of the country—about 280 miles from the capital city (Kampala). We are located in one of the most rural and poorest parts of Uganda, with a population of about 1.8 million people, approximately 900 are Roman Catholic.
The purpose of our mission appeal is to seek financial support for the continued development of Our Lady of Good Health Rushoroza Hospital for the rural poor (phase III). Through the gracious generosity of some local and foreign benefactors, we have managed to complete the first 2 phases of this life-saving project, comprising an outpatient department, minor operating room, general ward, and small laboratory center. We have also been able to acquire an ambulance for emergency transportation services. We are now appealing for help with the next phase—the construction of a maternity unit, children’s ward, emergency room, and dental/ophthalmology units. Progress pictures are attached below.
We are also requesting financial help with our long-term Kabale Diocese Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Program. We provide these less fortunate children with tuition, school supplies, healthcare, and personal need assistance for $350/per year. Since its inception some 21 years ago, our orphaned children effort has cared for a total of 860 children, 356 of whom have since graduated and entered the workforce, among them 2 priests. 504 of them are currently attending school at different levels of education: 325 at the elementary level, 121 secondary level, 11 at vocational institutions, and 47 university level. Indeed, we have so much to be grateful for—by God’s grace! However, the need is still enormous as there are well over 20,000 little ones out there who remain in critical need of outreach help. Please view the progress pictures above.
Additionally, as evangelization and spiritual care remain our core mission, we continue to struggle with the high cost of formation/training of seminarians and catechists. We currently have 64 major seminarians. By God’s grace, 15 deacons were ordained priests in August of this year. The current number of catechists is 916. The total education/formation cost for one seminarian/year is $400 and $150 for a catechist in formation. Please view the gallery pictures.
Those who will directly benefit from your generous MCP consideration include the sick/infirmed, the disadvantaged orphans, and the faithful in general (evangelization/spiritual growth).
– Fr. Frederick K. Byaruhanga, Diocesan Representative
Support the Diocese of Kabale #1091
You can support the Diocese of Kabale #1091 through your prayers and monetary donation by making a check payable to THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH, 3424 Wilshire Blvd 3rd Fl., Los Angeles CA 90010, memo #1091. You may also donate online by clicking the donate button. When making an online donation, reference #1091 in the Memo box. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Mission Cooperative Plan