How To Help

There are several ways one can make a difference

  • Make a donation online and designate it to any of the programs within the Pontifical Mission Societies.
  • Give generously on World Mission Sunday–annually, on the next-to-last Sunday of October.
  • Attend a special Mass with a missionary guest speaker making a Mission Cooperative Plan Appeal to donate to their specific Diocese or community. If you missed a particular speaker and would like to donate, you can do so by sending your donation to the Pontifical Mission Societies, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
  • Encourage mission vocations through the Society of St. Peter Apostle through a donation of $700 to support the education of a mission priest for one year or $300 to support one year’s education for a male or female Religious novice.
  • Remember the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Missionary Childhood Association or Society of St. Peter Apostle when writing or changing your Will through Planned Giving.
  • Encourage your school or parish to participate in the Missionary Childhood Association and use MCA’s mission education materials.
  • Be a part of the Propagation of the Faith’s Charitable Gift Annuity Program. Through this program, you will be helping the Church’s worldwide missionary efforts well into the future.
  • Volunteer at your parish to speak up for the missions.
  • Encourage others to always remember the needs of the missions in all our activities.
  • Join a Mission Circle whose members meet to pray and keep in contact with missionaries. These Mission Circles also do fundraising and some go further to gather donations of supplies and material to send to the missions.