The Servants of the Plan of God is a new religious community inspired by the Holy Spirit as an answer to the struggles of this Third Millennium. We are a community of consecrated women who live Full Apostolic Availability, by living in communities of sisters and by giving ourselves to God through evangelization and solidarity in the service of those who are in need. Throughout the years since our foundation, by the grace of God, we have established communities and apostolic services in South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Lima – Peru

The sisters in our communities located in the Archdiocese of Lima are dedicated to apostolic service and social development, by helping in the poorest areas of the city. We have a school for children and teenagers with physical disabilities who come from families of low economic resources. We serve them with education and catholic formation. We also have a center for physical rehabilitation where these children receive physical and psychological care and assistance.

We help people in the most vulnerable areas of the city as well as we help homeless persons. We assist them through catechetical formation, handcrafting workshops, health and hygiene workshops, and other services to help them improve their living conditions. In addition, in the outskirts of Lima, we are supporting the spiritual and material needs of hundreds of families living in human settlements who are marginalized in our society.

Also, we have been giving spiritual support to the sick people, their family members, and the healthcare personnel in three hospitals.

At different schools, our sisters have been preparing children and teenagers for the sacraments, moreover giving formation in the faith, not only to students but also accompanying them through pastoral care of the faculty and staff.

Ayacucho – Perú

Ayacucho is located in the Andean Mountains of Peru. This region has been severely impacted by violence and terrorism for more than ten years. This issue has caused many economic and social needs among the children of God living in this area. Our apostolate in this location is to evangelize and provide solidary service through Comprehensive Development Programs for children from 6 to 12 years old who are in need. The program includes nutrition, education, psychological and spiritual support for our kids and

Puno – Peru

Puno is the third poorest area in the Andean Region of Peru located over 13,000 ft. above sea level. We have an educational assistance center where children and youth, with the help of volunteers and teachers, are able to acquire new skills and grow in learning. Last year, the library was expanded with computers installed to assist the children with their homework. The children are also given extra-curricular activities and psychological therapies to ensure holistic growth.

Moreover, we have established solidary canteens for the children and abandoned elderly to ensure their nutritional needs are taken care of, not counting the frequent mission trips carried out to the outlying small villages for evangelization and solidarity service, including medical and dental campaigns.

Santiago de Chile – Chile

We serve a charity foundation by taking care of two homes for the aged. At these homes, we serve 130 men and women. We provide them with food, clothes, physical care, and pastoral care. We help them to prepare their hearts for the final encounter with God. When they don’t have a family, we accompany them to their last home.

Cebu – Philippines

We have a Solidarity center where we provide food, education, and basic hygiene services to children who live in the streets, mainly because of their vices. We try to encourage and prepare them to go back to school and find a shelter to stay. We deliver some food boxes to vulnerable families. Our sisters also take care of the people through human promotion services in Cebu and mission trips to the Islands around. In addition, we visit periodically 2 jails in the city to provide pastoral counseling to inmates.

We are in charge of the pastoral animation in a parish by working with children, youth, adults, and families.

Santiago de Guayaquil – Ecuador

We have a center that assists young ladies who suffer from intellectual disabilities. We give them education, pastoral care and train them to be able to find a job in the companies’ work field. We also have a Solidarity Center in a poor area of the city that is only reachable by canoe. This pastoral and solidarity service is done with lay volunteers from different schools and parishes.

Huambo – Angola

Our sisters help in catechesis to the Archdiocesan pastoral team. Also, we have mission trips to small villages that are almost unreachable. There we provide medical and nutritional care, pastoral attention, and literacy. Recently we have built a Solidarity center in a poor village to give catechesis and educational programs to the villagers.

You can support the Servants of the Plan of God (Siervas del plan de Dios) #2419 through your prayers and monetary donation by making a check payable to THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH, 3424 Wilshire Blvd 3rd Fl., Los Angeles CA 90010, memo #2419. You may also donate online by clicking the donate button. When making an online donation, reference #2419 in the Memo box. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Mission Cooperative Plan