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Wells of Life #2437
Wells of Life #2437
Have you heard of Wells of Life?
Wells of Life is a Christian/Ecumenical organization that brings clean water to rural Uganda by drilling water wells, and by teaching the local communities about sustainable sanitation and hygiene. This is our Mission Statement.
“Wells of Life” is indeed the hands and feet of God in today’s world. I dare say, we are the face of God to the most vulnerable.
Did you know, that on average, three children die per minute in rural Uganda from lack of clean water? Or to say it another way, 10,500 children die per year from waterborne diseases. (UNICEF-2013). This cannot continue in this day and age!
Our Goal is:
To drill a well, one village at a time. One water well serves 1,000 + people and secondly, teaches and trains the villagers in proper sanitation and hygiene practices. A well is a beginning, but the diseases of typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea, and dehydration have to be eradicated through good hygiene. Where wells have been drilled, the death rate is already reduced by 50%.
Wells of Life works to provide clean water wells in rural Uganda, East Africa. In addition, it has a training program called the WASH PROGRAM.
WA= water access, S= sanitation, and H= hygiene. Are you aware that a child in Uganda dies from contaminated water every 21 seconds, or an average of 3 children per minute? But where Wells of Life has drilled a well, infant mortality typically drops by 50%. CLEAN WATER IS indeed, A BASIC HUMAN NEED AND A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT.
By contributing $8,000, a parish, an individual family, or an individual can have a well drilled in honor of the wishes of the donor, clearly marked on a plaque on your well.
Sr. Joan Hogan, a Sister of the Holy Faith and Ambassador for Wells of Life has just returned from Uganda and is asking for your support. Please discuss this with your family and give from your heart. Thank you all! God bless you! I am confident that you WILL receive your reward!
For further information, check our website at or call us at 562-212-6708.
Support Wells of Life #2437
You can support Wells of Life #2437 through your prayers and monetary donation by making a check payable to THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH, 3424 Wilshire Blvd 3rd Fl., Los Angeles CA 90010, memo #2437. You may also donate online by clicking the donate button. When making an online donation, reference #2437 in the Memo box. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Mission Cooperative Plan