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World Mission Sunday- Letters from ADLA

Letter from the Archbishop of Los Angeles (Spanish)
October 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we gather in communion this World Mission Sunday, I extend to you a heartfelt invitation from Pope Francis, inspired by the Gospel: “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (cf. Mt. 22:9). This call to mission resonates deeply with our faith’s core, urging us to share God’s love with the world.
Over a century ago, our own Catholic community in the United States was nurtured through the generosity of the worldwide Church that contributed to what is today this second collection. Now, we are called to extend that same generosity to our brothers and sisters in over 1,150 mission territories across Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands, and the Middle East.
The collection on World Mission Sunday directly supports seminaries, future religious sisters, catechists, Catholic schools that provide essential education, and healthcare centers that provide essential care, embodying the love of Christ.
As members of the Catholic Church, which is universal by its very nature, we are invited to participate actively in this mission. Our contributions and prayers on World Mission Sunday support the Church’s vital work of evangelization, inviting all to experience the joy and hope found in Christ.
I urge you, dear friends, to respond generously to this call. Let us unite in prayer for the success of the Church’s missionary activities and for the missionaries who dedicate their lives to spreading the Gospel. Your generosity is a powerful witness to the love and compassion at the heart of our faith.
May this World Mission Sunday deepen our commitment to the Church’s universal mission. Together, let us rejoice in the opportunity to share God’s love with the world, inviting everyone to the banquet of the Lord.
May Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, grant you peace and joy,
Most Reverend José H. Gomez
Letter from TPMS- Archdiocese of Los Angeles Executive Director to Parishes (Spanish)
As we approach the celebration of World Mission Sunday on October 20, 2024, I am inspired to reach out to you with a message of solidarity and commitment to our shared vocation as missionaries of Christ’s Church. This year, under the guidance of Pope Francis’ message “Go and invite everyone to the banquet (cf. Mt 22:9),” we are reminded of the joyful and urgent call to evangelization that lies at the heart of our faith.
World Mission Sunday is a momentous occasion for us to reflect on the universal mission of the Church—to bring the Gospel to all corners of the earth. It is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrificial giving. Our office has supplied Posters and Envelopes in addition to resources which may be found on our parish resource & materials page, to support your parish in this wonderful celebration.
This year, we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, mindful of the history that ties us to the global Church. Over a century ago, when we were considered mission territory, the Catholic Church in the United States was bolstered by the prayers and generosity of Catholics around the world. Today, we have the privilege and responsibility to support our brothers and sisters in over 1,150 mission territories, including Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands, and the Middle East.
The funds collected on World Mission Sunday are crucial. They directly support the formation of seminarians, religious sisters, and catechists, as well as the development of Catholic schools and healthcare centers. These efforts are tangible expressions of God’s love and compassion, providing hope and practical help to the most vulnerable members of our human family.
I encourage you to use World Mission Sunday as an opportunity to ignite a missionary spirit within your parish. Let us inspire our communities to see beyond the boundaries of our local Church, to the vast field of the harvest that is the world, awaiting the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please click to hear a special message from Apostolic Nuncio for USA, Cardinal Christophe Pierre.
Together, let us pray for the success of the Church’s mission and for the missionaries who dedicate their lives to spreading the Gospel. May our collective prayers and contributions on World Mission Sunday bear fruit in abundance, as we answer the call to invite everyone to the Lord’s banquet.
Thank you for your commitment to this vital aspect of our faith. May God bless you.
Msgr. Terrance Fleming, Executive Director
“Go and invite everyone to the banquet (Mt 22:9).”